Audioslave: Revelations

2006 • Music Video • Completed
Music Video

The music video begins with various band members playing their instrument in front of a camera shoot. When the vocals begin, a split-screen of Chris Cornell and other band members begins. As each guitar riff or drum part kicks in, the player of that instrument gets their few seconds in front of the camera. During Tom Morello's guitar solo, the camera largely goes between him and drummer Brad Wilk, but still with a few shots of Cornell and bassist Tim Commerford. The video also clearly shows Tom Morello playing a Gibson Les Paul that formerly had a Budweiser logo on it. Morello promptly burned the logo off in refusal for his guitar to be used as an object for advertising. During Cornell's vocal solo after Morello's guitar solo, the camera's tint turns to a blue color. The video ends with the microphone Cornell was using hanging from the ceiling on its own.


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