my roommate the

2010 • Digital Series • Airing

Most of us have had one at one time or another...roommates. And even those of us who haven't had one are familiar with the connotations that that word evokes. Whether you loved them, hated them, or couldn't care less for them, they still impacted your life and helped shape you into the person you are today. They know our most intimate details and have seen us at our highest of highs and lowest of lows. From college to late adulthood we have been paired with roommates, who at times, wear on our patience, take advantage of your kindness, and abuse our trust. If you're lucky enough to have a roommate that respects you and your stuff, and you're able to get along with them, then great. That is not the case for Lu. In his quest for the perfect roommate, Lu has been forced to put up with the wild hijinks of some unsavory characters. But nevertheless, he pushes forward and continues his search. Always ready to give them a chance and introduce you to "my roommate the ..."


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