Pete Rose: Hits & Mrs.

2012 • TV Series • Completed

Professional baseball's most loveable bad boy, Pete Rose, and his fiancée, former Playboy model Kiana Kim, work to blend their respective families and prepare for a new life together. Pete and Kiana are happily engaged, but as with many couples, the road to a wedding isn't always smooth. This new modern family will experience all of the challenges other families face and much more. Much younger than her soon to be husband, Kiana is a vivacious mother of two kids from a previous marriage. This will be Pete's third go-around raising kids, as he brings four older children of his own into the mix, some of whom have reservations about Kiana's age and their upcoming nuptials. Together they will face the added challenge of determining where to lay down roots. With Pete living and working in Las Vegas, and Kiana and her two kids residing in Los Angeles, can they manage a long distance relationship under separate roofs in different cities?


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