Worst Night to Grow A Pair

2013 • Short Film • Completed
Black Comedy


"Worst Night to Grow a Pair" is a love story... between a man and his bar. After months of searching for a replacement for the ultimate dive bar 'The Jungle Room', Rex decides to reclaim his favorite watering hole only to find his ex-girlfriend, Becks, and her bachelorette party of slizzards raising hell. If that isn't enough to derail Rex's plans, ousted comedian, Rambis, arrives to unveil his newest material. What the 'Jungle Room' patrons don't realize is that Rambis is not only unfunny, but violently unstable and determined to perform his set at any cost, aided by his savage, nut-bag manager, Mandrell. When a hostage situation overtakes the bar it is up to Rex to protect his one true love, 'The Jungle Room'.


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