Hollywood Kills

2009 • Feature Film • Released
Horror, Thriller

James Dell and Vaughn Mason, two straight-shooting Texas cousins, arrive in Hollywood to visit Sarah Dell, James' younger sister who moved to Hollywood in an effort to start her screenwriting career. Vaughn becomes instantly smitten with Sarah's roommate Chantelle Sholay, a beautiful bombshell unafraid of sleeping her way into a leading role. While out for a night on the town, the foursome's path crosses two young Hollywood players, Ken Vincent and Nate Folds, who promise to let them in on a secret and elite Hollywood club. What they don't know is that both Ken and Nate are in the employ of Francis Fenway, whose rampant ego and narcissism led him to create a new breed of filmmaking, horror reality, and has lined up James, Sarah, Vaughn and Chantelle as his next four stars/victims. They also don't know that confessing their Hollywood dreams to Fenway would be used to determine their eventual torture.


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