In Too Deep

1999 • Feature Film • Released
Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller, Urban

How far can an undercover cop go into the ruthless underworld of an urban drug cartel, filled with violence, power, and money, before he no longer can find his way out? Detective Jeffrey Cole is going undercover on a mission so dangerous, it could cost him his life... and possibly his soul. The target: a crimelord called "God" who's hooked into 80% of the city's crime. No cop has been able to infiltrate long enough to bring him down, but Cole is not your average cop. As a recent graduate from the police academy, Cole believes he was born to serve as an undercover agent because he has always been able to make anyone believe anything. After a few successful busts and a few close calls, he feels he is ready to do whatever it takes to put "God" away for good.


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