The Adventures of Ragtime

1998 • Feature Film • Released

Meet the Blue Family. John, his wife, Sarah, and their three kids, Barkley, Carter and Amy reside at their ranch along with their two pets, Ragtime, a miniature horse, and Taylor, their dog. But Ragtime is no ordinary pet! He is a special horse who can perform lots of tricks. Live on the news, the locals watch Ragtime do tricks much to the delight of an onlooking crowd. In their run-down trailer, Lester and Sam see Ragtime on television. Since Lester and sam are down on their luck, the idea of horse-napping Ragtime for ransom hits Lester, and they speed over to the fairgrounds to steal their ticket to wealth. While the family and the poliec hunt for the missing pet, Ragtime leads the horse-nappers through many antics.


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