The mist

2018 • Short Film • Released

It's a movie with a silent message in it explained in a short form. Here lies the human phycology where everyone is fighting their battles on their own. Some of us are successful and some are tired of trying in life. We can only fight with these demons in our self when we have enough courage to fight them. There are different ways adapted by us, there are diverse of versions in our own self lying because we have never fought with them. There's a haze in our minds and a puzzle of life to be solved. The stronger we try well we will be to fight with our thoughts and unpuzzle the complexities and burden we are carrying on our shoulders. There are keys to our locked doors in our hands, which we will find through circumstances in our lives. They make us grow and efficient to face and fight our own battles. Life will keep on giving us such things, we have to solve these unclarities.


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