The Wish

2018 • Short Film • Released

Wishes are a part of life and all of us struggle for basic needs and then wishes to be fulfilled in life. While having a wish in our heart, we usually forget the basic sense that we are already blessed with a lot. We are entangled in our daily life matters and then consider them as a burden on our self. So, it doesn't let us work efficiently because our motivational level is down and we are in negative thoughts then. We don't understand the pain of others until we are in their shoes, we will never get what they are going through and how much they are struggling in their lives. In the same way we don't realize how lucky we are until we are deprived of the things we already have in life. It's a rule of nature that everyone is not blessed with everything, someone has more in one way of health and some has more in a way of wealth. This is balanced when we consider them and cherish those in our life. We should also feel the pain of others, because if rich will help the poor then their tasks are eased. In this way we can solve their puzzles and it will keep us positive towards our life. In this astonishing movie great lesson is conveyed to the audience to consider the things we have in life and enjoy them with thank. Life is not meant to be perfect but we can try as much as we are given.


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