This movies is comedy and which is upon and that even zombie think about health and do not want to fast food because fast food give us more fat and is not good for health and also for fat people so this is the main idea of movie.This movie directed by Alonzo Dominguez have a story on healthy food and about calories amount in a product. In this short movie director told that Nutrition Fats labled can help you damage amount of calories and nutrients in the servant of food. Nutrients include fats, Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals this information help you to know whether you eating healthy food or you eating a non-healthy food. This short movies told us that a healthy food is a balanced diet. A balanced diet based on 2000 calories diet. So whole the story of this short movie is a stress on eating a balanced or healthy diet and about the benefit of a healthy food and amount of calories that are include in it.