Expectations are part of our lives and everyone expects more than happening in the reality in their life. Expectations lead to disappointments, more we are expecting then more we are disappointed because their lies a difference between our views of expecting and the reality. But, we should take in account that they should not lead us to a point where we hesitate towards life. It's the highest stage of a person when thy are tired of human behaviors and they distant themselves with everything in their surroundings. This short movie is teaching us an amazing lesson of life which we need to learn. Our life should not revolve around the expectations, we need to struggle and communicate in these matters. We can't separate ourselves with the world in our fears, they will look like eating us, which can only be stopped by us. By communicating, with a positive energy, and try to do things in life which don't lead us to expecting and then disappointments. Life is a balance between holding on and letting go, which is to be maintained by us.