Johnny Frank Garrett's Last Word

2013 • Feature Film • Released

Completed / US / 2016
Supernatural / Horror
Based on an incredible true story, THE LAST WORD is terrifying tale of vengeance from beyond the grave.
On Halloween night 1981, a Catholic nun is savagely murdered. In a haze of fear, the authorities in Amarillo, Texas feel compelled to solve the case quickly amidst widespread panic and lynch mob anger. Soon a suspect emerges as 18-year-old Johnny Frank Garrett is arrested and put on trial.
Overlooking evidence that could have cleared his name, the jury passes swift judgment and Garrett is convicted and sentenced to death. But from the moment of his arrest until his last breath Garrett professes his innocence, and following his execution a letter is found in his cell written in a voice driven by a dark force, promising retribution and cursing the souls of anyone connected with his demise.
Within weeks of his execution, Johnny's terrifying prophecy is unleashed as a series of unexplained deaths strike down those involved in the cover-up. As his parade of victims grows, it is left to one conscience-stricken juror to exonerate Johnny and break his curse before it’s too late…


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