Into The Light

2013 • Experimental • Completed
Drama, Fantasy, Medical, Romance

Life is a cycle of birth and death. When someone or something dies it allows for something new to be born. A man is dying and has to say goodbye to Mary, his wife. Mary has to let Jonathan go. We see that for Jonathan, life is not yet over. He enters into a different realm and starts a new part of his soul journey. I developed a story that could be brought to life by using lighting to create an emotional mood. We have a setting sun and rising moon, angels that glow with ethereal light and a man walking into the light as he crosses over after his physical death. I developed a story that could be brought to life by using lighting to create an emotional mood. We have a setting sun and rising moon, angels that glow with ethereal light and a man walking into the light as he crosses over after his physical death.


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